Membership for BASIS is open to faculty, staff, and matriculated students in good standing at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. All active student members have voting and office-holding privileges provided that they fulfill all eligibility standards and qualifications. To learn more about BASIS and our recruitment process please reference our recruiting schedule.
**All majors are welcome. Transfer students** must have completed one semester before applying. Transfer students are encouraged to visit our website and meet current members at interest meetings
Step 1. Initial Application
Applicants must submit the following documents to BASIS Application Spring 2025
- Updated resume
- Unofficial transcripts
- Statement of interest: One page explaining (1) why you are interested, (2) what you can contribute, and (3) what you hope to gain by being a member of BASIS
Step 2. The Project
Selected applicants will receive a two-part project and a tentative interview given they fulfill the minimum thresholds of the project. BASIS will have a “project meeting” and give applicants the chance to voice questions and concerns before pursuing the project. Further, we will offer Bloomberg training sessions to support the applicant’s analysis.
The project will test your analytical skills, but more importantly your willingness and ability to learn. We understand that you are unfamiliar with many fixed-income concepts, but the following project will acquaint you with many underlying principles of fixed income. The University Honor Code will be strictly followed. All submitted work and any research supporting the aforementioned work is to be completed on an individual basis. All aspects of your work are covered by the Honor Code. You may not consult friends, family, social organization sources, or current or former student-members of BASIS – basically no person that would not be available and willing to help every applicant.
Part I: Essay on Macroeconomic conditions.
Minimum Threshold: Between 1,000 and 1,500 words
Part II: Credit Analysis on Company and Bonds
We will provide a detailed breakdown of what we are expecting. We encourage that you are creative and organize the presentation in the best way to deliver your argument. Ultimately, you will present your presentation as part of your interview, so it should be less than 15 minutes.
Minimum Threshold: Presentation that is between 10-12 slides. Incorporates sections detailed above. Makes final decision on the bond (i.e. buy short bond, buy long bond, do not buy either). Includes one page investment thesis write-up. Includes 1-2 pages of supporting analysis.
Step 3: The Interview
If applicants meet the minimum thresholds of the project, they will receive a three-part interview:
- Credit Presentation and Follow-up Questions – test knowledge of credit analysis project
- Macroeconomic and Quantitative – test knowledge of macroeconomic project and quantitative ability
- Classic – review resume, intangibles, interest and knowledge of BASIS
Offers will be extended soon after interviews.