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Our History

In October 2004, three pioneering students initiated and completed a research project investigating a fixed-income fund operated entirely by students. In February 2005, additional students were recruited to work on what would become known as Bond And Securities Investing by Students (BASIS). A third group of pioneers recruited in December 2005 obtained the approval from the Foundation's Investment Committee in May 2006 with funding targets for Fall of 2006. Key features of the proposal were the educational benefits, the economic importance of a market many times larger than the publicly-traded equity markets, support of our alumni, and of course, the high quality of students who would preserve and enhance the Foundation's ability to support the university.

October 2006 brought the initial funds and the excitement of placing the first $2.6 million into the markets. The following year BASIS achieved a ranking in the top 10 percent of all professional fixed income managers. BASIS achieved strong positive returns even in the stressful years of 2008 and 2009. BASIS's funds under management are approximately 1% of the Virginia Tech Foundation's endowment or over $5 million by January 31, 2012. 

October 2016, BASIS celebrated its 10th year anniversary. Since inception, BASIS has returned over $2.5 million dollars to its client, the Virginia Tech Foundation. 

The 2009 members of BASIS at Virginia Tech well into their third year of operation

BASIS and SEED members in a group shot that was featured on the Virginia Tech Finance newsletter cover

2011 - BASIS members standing in front of the "Charging Bull" while visiting New York City to visit banks and alumni

Spring 2016 - BASIS members make their annual trip to Charlotte, NC

April 2016 - BASIS members speak to Blacksburg High School

October 2016 - BASIS celebrates it's 10-year anniversary

April 2017 - BASIS members Danny Murray and Cameron Maples pause for a picture at the annual BASIS Alumni Reunion 

Spring 2018 - BASIS members Ian Beskin, Tucker Roberts, and Mike Orcutt on their way to a networking visit in Charlotte, NC

Fall 2018 - BASIS members on our annual NYC networking trip